The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA11-2024 | Appointment of service providers to be accredited to the panel for alarm installation, monitoring, and armed response in identified gauteng offices over the period of 36 months on a rental basis. | 04 October 2024 |
DHA10-2024 | Appointment of two transaction advisors to support the department with evaluation of bids, negotiation and possible conclusion of a public private partnership agreement for redevelopment of 5 (five) identified land port of entry for a period of three (3) years, in accordance with treasury regulation 16 of the public finance management act and applicable PPP legislation. | 04 October 2024 |
DHA08-2024 | Appointment of transaction advisory services to conduct a feasibility study and PPP procurement for Visa & Permit Application Centre services through a Public Private Partnership (PPP) for a period of three years. | 06 September 2024 |
DHA09-2024 | The appointment of a service provider for provision of cleaning services for Gauteng Province for three (3) metros and two (2) districts for various buildings for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 30 August 2024 |
DHA06-2024 | The appointment of a service provider for the provision of cleaning service in the Free State for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 12 July 2024 |
DHA07-2024 | The appointment of a service provider to implement the Business Continuity Management (BCM) process for the period of three (3) years. | 05 July 2024 |
DHA05-2024 | Adevertisement of the tender for physical security guarding services in Head Office, Gauteng, North West, Eastern Cape, and Limpopo provinces for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 12 April 2024 |
DHA03-2024 | The appointment of a service provider to render frontline VISA facilitation services on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs and manage the receipt, dispatch, and delivery of VISA and permit outcomes at various centres globally, internationally and locally within the Republic of South Africa | 22 March 2024 |
DHA04-2024 | Appointment of a service provider /s to supply and delivery of stationery for the Department of Home Affairs for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 15 March 2024 |
DHA02-2024 | The appointment of a service provider(s) to provide comprehensive cleaning and hygiene services to twenty (20) Department of Home Affairs’ (DHA) buildings for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 08 March 2024 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA17-2023 | Appointment of a travel management company (TMC) to render travel services to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 02 FEBRUARY 2024 |
DHA16-2023 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of media monitoring services for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 26 January 2024 |
DHA15-2023 | Procurement of routers and switches with support and maintenance for a period of thirty six (36) months. | 27 October 2023 |
DHA14-2023 | The appointment of a service provider for the provision of cleaning services to twenty (20) Department of Home Affairs’ (DHA) buildings for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 27 October 2023 |
DHA13-2023 | The appointment of a service provider for the supply of backup generators, Uninterrupted Power Supply Units (UPS), air conditioners, solar system, inverters, general electrical works and water tanks in the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) offices including health facilities,digitisation sites, Ports of Entry of the Border Management Authority (BMA), and Refugee Centres in all nine (9) provinces for a period of three (3) years, as and when required, with an option to extend and /renew the contract for further two (2) years subject to satisfactory performance and availability of funds. | 6 October 2023 |
DHA12-2023 | Appointment of a service providers to conduct auctioneering services for disposal of assets for Head Office, North West, Kwazulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Free State, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Limpopo and Gauteng for a period of thirty-six (36 )months. | 29 September 2023 |
DHA10-2023 | The appointment of a service provider for the supply, delivery and construction of prefabricated mobile offices for the registration of birth in health facilities located in nine (9) provinces across the country, as and when required for the period of three (3) years (renewable up to two (2) years subject to satisfactory performance, availability of funds and reasonable commercial terms and conditions). | 22 September 2023 |
DHA08-2023 | Appointment of a service provider to conduct auctioneering services for disiposal of assets for Head Office, North West, Kwazulu-Natal, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape, Free State, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Limpopo and Gauteng for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 18 August 2023 |
DHA07-2023 | Appointment of a service provider for the implementation of the Business Continuity Management Process for the period of three (3) years. | 30 June 2023 |
DHA06-2023 | Appointment of a service provider to assess the current organisational culture, develop the proposed desired culture and implementation plan for the Department of Home Affairs. | 02 June 2023 |
DHA05-2023 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of cash-in-transit services at offices of the Department of Home Affairs for a period of three (3) years. | 19 May 2023 |
DHA04-2023 | Appointment of a service provider to develop the operating model and review of the functional organizational structure for the DHA in line with the Service Delivery Model (SDM) and Hybird Access Model. | 21 April 2023 |
DHA03-2023 | Appointment of transaction advisory services to conduct a feasibility study and ppp procurement for visa & permit application centre services through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for a period of three years. | 31 March 2023 |
DHA02-2023 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of black heavy duty plastic chairs to the Department of Home Affairs for a period of three (3) years, with an option to renew for two (2) years, subject to the performance of the service provider and the availability of fundsthis is to certify that with the public oopening of bids today, 03 march 2023 | 03 March 2023 |
DHA01-2023 | Appointment of a transactional advisor for the development of staff housing at the Ports of Entry through Public Private Partnership (PPP) | 10 Feb 2023 |
DHA20-2022 | Appointment of a service provider(s) experienced in shop fitting to design, supply, deliver, install and maintain counters, repair and reconfigure existing counters, as well supply related furniture items as listed in the specification (annexure a) for a period of three years, with an option to renew for two (2) years, subject to the performance of the service provider and the availability of funds. | 03 Feb 2023 |
DHA18-2022 | Appointment of a service provider to provide the department of home affairs with the on-site telephonic interpretation and ad-hoc services with external clients in order to assist with the processing and managing of the asylum seekers and refugees for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 20 Jan 2023 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA17-2022 | The appointment of a panel of service provider(s) to:
02 Dec 2022 |
DHA16-2022 | Appointment of a panel of service provider (s) to 20 000 young graduates recruited for the digitisation of DHA on various skills courses over a period of three (3) years | 04 Nov 2022 |
DHA13-2022 | Appointment of a service provider for physical security guarding services in Free State and Northern Cape Province | 7 Oct 2022 |
DHA12-2022 | Appointmnet of a services provider(s) to provide specialised legislative drafting of draft various bills administered by the Department of Home Affairs for a period untill 31 March 2024. | 7 Oct 2022 |
DHA11-2022 | Request to appoint a service provider to provide professional service for the Digitisation of Civics Records for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 23 Sept 2022 |
RFI DHA03-2022 | Request for information (RFI) for a supplier that can provide proactive monitorng of IT systems and infrastructure | 16 Sept 22 |
DHA20-2022 | Appointment of a service provider to provide the Department of Home Affairs with the on-site telephonic interpretation and ad-hoc services with external clients in order to assist with the processing and managing of the Aslum Seekers and Refugees for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 26 Aug 2022 |
DHA09-2022 | To invite bids suitable service provider(s) experienced in shop fitting to design,supply, deliver, install and maintain counters, repair and reconfigure existing counters, as well supply related furniture items as listed in the specification (Annexure A) for a period of three (3) years, with an option to renew for two (2) years, subject to the performance of the service provider and the availability of funds | 19 Aug 2022 |
RFI DHA02-2022 | Request for information for the civics digitisation project | 12 Aug 2022 |
DHA08-2022 | Appointment of a professional service provider to design, build and supply virtual interactive self-service machines (KIOSK) to host live capture system for the application, processing and collection of smart ID and passports for the period of three (3) years, with an additional two (2) years subject to availability of funding and satisfactory services. | 15 Jul 2022 |
DHA07-2022 | Appointment of appropriately qualified services providers with suitable experience to a panel of agencies for media planning and buying, media production and content creation, writing, research and copy editing, and campaigns and digital media on ad-hoc basis for a period of three (3) years. | 20 Jun 2022 |
DHA06-2022 | Appointment of a project officer for the management of the project for the procurement of visa and permit application centre services through a public pravet partnership (PPP). | 03 Jun 2022 |
DHA01-2022 | Appointment of a service provider to provide support operationalization for the border management authority (BMA) as schedule 3(A) public entity for a period of eigteen (18) months. | 20 May 2022 |
RFI DHA01-2022 | Request for innovation ICT needs and challenges | 25 Mar2022 |
DHA05-2022 | Provision of physical security guarding services in Mpumalanga for a period of thirty-six months | 25 Feb 2022 |
DHA04-2022 | Appointment of transactional dvisory services to conduct a feasibility study and PPP procurement for visa and permit application centre services through a public private partnership (PPP) for a period of three (3) years. | 25 Feb 2022 |
DHA03-2022 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and maintenance of off-site backup hardware for a period of forty-two (42) months | 18 Feb 2022 |
DHA02-2022 | Appointment of an appropriately qualified service provider/s with suitable experience to render internal audit services and forensic investigation on behalf of the Department on an "as and when required" basis, over a period of three (3) years. | 11 Feb 2022 |
DHA18-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of physical security guaring services in kwazulu-natal province for the period of thirty-six (36) months. | 21 Jan 2022 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA | Appointment of a service provider to provide support operationalization for the border management authority (BMA) as schedule 3(A) public entity for a period of eigteen (18) months. | 20 May 2022 |
RFI DHA01-2022 | Request for innovation ICT needs and challenges | 25 Mar 2022 |
DHA05-2022 | Provision of physical security guarding services in Mpumalanga for a period of thirty-six months | 25 Feb 2022 |
DHA04-2022 | Appointment of transactional dvisory services to conduct a feasibility study and PPP procurement for visa and permit application centre services through a public private partnership (PPP) for a period of three (3) years. | 25 Feb 2022 |
DHA03-2022 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and maintenance of off-site backup hardware for a period of forty-two (42) months | 18 Feb 2022 |
DHA02-2022 | Appointment of an appropriately qualified service provider/s with suitable experience to render internal audit services and forensic investigation on behalf of the department on an "as and when required" basis, over a period of three (3) years. | 11 Feb 2022 |
DHA18-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of physical security guaring services in kwazulu-natal province for the period of thirty-six (36) months. | 21 Jan 2022 |
DHA17-2021 | The appointment of a service provider for facility management services at a detention facility for illegal immigrants pending deportation to their countries of origin by DHA for a period of sixty (60) month | 17 Dec 2021 |
DHA16 -2021 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of physical security guarding services in the Western Cape for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 19 Oct 2021 |
DHA15-2021 | Appointment of an appropriately qualified service provider with suitable experience to provide an integrated communication and marketing services (media production, advertisement, events management) functions on behalf of the department of hone affairs on an ad hoc basis, over a period of three (3) years | 15 Oct 2021 |
DHA14-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of cleaning services in KwaZulu Natal province for various buildings and mobile trucks for a period of Thirty Six (36) months. | 01 Oct 2021 |
DHA13-2021 | Appointment of a service provider tfor the provision of cleaning services in Gauteng province for three (3) months and Two (2) districts of various buildings and mobile trucks for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 23 Sept 2021 |
DHA12-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for Infrastucture/ refubishment / construction including consequential general building,electrical,mechanical,civil and engineering work at DHAnoffices, REfugee CEntres and Ports of Entry for aperiod of Thirty-six (36) months | 17 Sept 2021 |
DHA11-2021 | Appointment of services provider to Supply,Deliver and Installation of terminal seating in Home Affairs for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 20 Sept 2021 |
DHA07-2021 | Appointment of a service provider to establish the repositioning programme management office (pmo) and provide project management services for the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 18 Jun 2021 |
DHA20-2021 | Appointment of service provider to supply, installation and maintenance of backup generators, uninterrupted power supply units (UPS), air-conditioners including consequential general building, electrical, mechanical, civil and engineering work in all nine (9) Provinces and Ports of Entry for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | |
DHA09-2021 | Appointment of a service provider to supply,deliver and install signage to dha office in nine (9) provinces, rc and poe for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 20 Aug 2021 |
DHA08-2021 | Appointment of legal practitioners/legal firms to render investigative, representative services and labour relations issues for a period of three (3) years | 02 Jul 2021 |
DHA07-2021 | Appointment of a service provider to establish the repositioning programme management office (pmo) and provide project management services for the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 18 Jun 2021 |
RFQ DHA01-2021 | Request for qualification for facility management services at a detention facility for illegal immigrants pending deportation to their countries of origin by the Department of Home Affairs for a period of 60 months. | 18 Jun 2021 |
DHA06-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for cleaning services for Department of Home Affairs in the Free State for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 04 Jun 2021 |
DHA01-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for supply and delivery of printed java cards for a period of thirty-six (36) month | |
DHA03-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for the development of the service delivery model of the departmentin support of the repositioning programme for a period of thirty-six (36) months | |
DHA05-2021 | Provision of physical security guarding services in Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Head Office, Kwazulu-Natal, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West and Western Cape for a period of thirty-six months | 14 May 2021 |
DHA04-2021 | Appointment of a DHA licensing solution provider for Microsoft enterprise agreement for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 19 Feb 2021 |
DHA02-2021 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of firewall hardware, firewall software licences, certificate authority, as well as support and maintenance of firewall/encryption solution for a period of sixty (60) months | 19 Feb 2021 |
DHA-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation, configuration, support and maintenance of open text document enterprise content management for a period of three (3) years | 22 Jan 2021 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
RFI DHA03-2020 | Request information rfi dha03-2020 for a supplier or oem that can provide contact less scanners for enrollment and verification of identity | 13 Nov 2020 |
DHA18-2020 | Appointment of service provider to establish the repositioning programme management office and provide project management services for the department of home affairs for a period of thirty six (36) months | 13 Nov 2020 |
DHA16-2020 | Appointment of a professional service provider for media monitoring services, provision of communication environment reports and analysis across a range of media channels and platforms for a period of three (3) years. | 23 Oct 2020 |
DHA17-2020 | Appointment of a service provider(s) to supply, commissioning, support and maintenance of mcafee endpoint antivirus solution for the department of home affairs for a period of twelve (12) months | |
DHA15-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of travel management services to the department of home affairs for a period of three (3) years with an option to renew for an additional two (2) years | |
DHA14-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for the development of the user immovable asset management plan (u-map) and the provision of facilities management services for the department of home affairs for a period of three (3) years | |
DHA13-2020 | Appointment of a professional service provider (psp) to provide professional project management, construction management, and engineering services for the delivery of the project to establish service points in nine (9) provinces for a period of three (3) years, with an option to renew for a further two (2) years. | 25 Sept 2020 |
DHA12-2020 | APpointment of a service provider for the provisioning of a learner and leaner management system as well as a platform for virtual classroom for department of home affairs for a period of three (3) years. | 04 Sept 2020 |
RFI DHA02-2020 | Request for information to test and establish if there is an express of interest within it industry to replace the current biometric access control system (bacm) ((non-repudiation and authentication system)) on behalf of the department of home affairs | 21 Aug 2020 |
DHA11-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply of firewall hardware, firewall software licenses, certificate authority, as well as support and maintenance of firewall/encryption solution for the next sixty (60) months (5 years) | 21 Aug 2020 |
DHA20-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for facility management services at a detention facility for illegal immigrants pending deportation to their countries of origin by the department of home affairs for aperiod of sixty (60) months | 21 Aug 2020 |
DHA09-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for supply, delivery and construction of prefabricatedmobile offices for the registration of birth in health facilities located in nine (9) provinces across the country as and when required for a period of three (3) years | 03 Jul 2020 |
DHA08-2020 | Appointment of a service provider(s) for the provision of cash in transit services at the department of home affairs | 19 Jun 2020 |
DHA07-2020 | Appointment of a service provider(s) to supply and deliver stationery items as awhen required to the DEpartment of Home Affairs (head Ofice) Hallmark, BVR, Heyvries, Rosslyn, Brits Storage and Desmond Tutu RRC for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 29 May 2020 |
DHA03-2020 | Appointment of a service provider to assist the Department to design a tariff framework that includes costing model for annual adjustment of the Revenue tariffs. | 29 May 2020 |
DHA04-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of biometric fingerprint/ smrt card combo scanners for a period of thirty-six (36) month. | 29 May 2020 |
DHA05-2020 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of printed java cards for a period of thirty-six (36) month. | 29 May 2020 |
DHA06-2020 | Appointment of a licensing solution provider for Microsoft Account between the Department of Home Affairs and Microsoft for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 29 May 2020 |
DHA01-2020 | Appointment of a service provider to provide multi-disciplinary support for the establishment of the Border Management Authority (BMA) | 06 Mar 2020 |
DHA02-2020 | Appointment of a project officer for the redevelopment of six (6) Ports of Entry for a period of three (3) years | 06 Mar 2020 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
RFI DHA01-2019 | Request for Information to test the market for the rendering of Frontline Visa Facilitation Services on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs and Managing the Receipt, Dispatch, and Delivery of Visa and Permit outcome at various centres globally and within the Republic of South Africa, in preparation for a formal procurement process that will be determined by Department of Home Affairs in consultation with National Treasury, where applicable. | 17 Jan 2020 |
DHA08-2019 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of cleaning services: Pretoria Quarters Complex for a period of thirty-six (36) months | 13 Dec 2019 |
DHA09-2019 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of cleaning services: Desmond Tutu Refugee Centre, Durban Refugee Centre, Port Elizabeth Refugee Centre, Cape Town Refugee Centre, Musina Refugee Centre and Cape Town Harbour (Cowrie Place) for a period of thirty-six months. | 13 Dec 2019 |
DHA12-2019 | Appointment of a service provider for the transportation of illegal immigrants by road for deportation to their countries of origin for a period of thirty-six (36) months. | 06 Dec 2019 |
DHA11-2019 | Appointment of a service provider to provide Auctioneer services for Redundant, Scrap and Obsolete Assets for Head Office inclusive North West and Gauteng Province for a period of thirty-six months. | 06 Dec 2019 |
DHA20-2019 |
Appointment of a service provider to provide wellness services to the DHA staff across all provinces and Head Office for a period of thirty-six (36) months.
06 Dec 2019 |
DHA07-2019 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of biometric access control management (bacm) systems licenses, support and management for the department of home affairs for a period of thirty-six (36) months | |
DHA06-2019 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of it infrastructure support and maintenance at main data centres, banks, ports of entry, offices and mobile units nationally to the dha. Closing 28 june 2019 | 28 Jun 2019 |
DHA05-2019 | Appointment of a service provider for physical security guarding services in northern cape and free state. | 14 Jun 2019 |
DHA04-2019 | Appointment of a service provider to provide wellness services to the dha officials across all provinces including head office. | 14 Jun 2019 |
DHA02-2019 | Appointment of a transaction advisor to support the redevelopment of the key six priority ports of entry project for a period of three (3) years | |
DHA03-2019 | appointment of a transactional advisor services for the proposed public private partnership for the development of a home affairs consolidated head office "home affairs campus" | |
DHA01-2019 | Appointment of a panel of service providers for installation and maintenance of an alarm system and monitoring with armed reaction for a period of five (5) years | |
DHA31-2018 | Appointment of a service provider(s) to design, supply, deliver, install and maintain, repair counters, furniture, operator chairs, photo booth desk and chair, writing ledgers in the dha various offices in all nine (9) provinces of three (3) years | |
DHA30-2018 | Appointment of a service provider(s) for the supply, installation and maintenance of backup generators, uninterrupted power supply units (ups), air-conditioners including consequential general building, electrical, mechanical, civil and engineering work in various dha offices and ports of entry for a period of three (3) years in the northern cape, north west and free state provinces | |
DHA29-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of it infrastructure support and maintenance at main data centres, ports of entry and offices nationally to the department ofhome affairs for a period of thirty - six (36) months. | |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA27-2018 | Appointment of a service provider(s) for procurement of servers with maintenance and support for a period of thirty six (36) months | |
DHA25-2018 | Appointment of a panel of internal audit services and risk management services for a period of three (3) years | |
DHA24-2018 | appointment of a service provider for the transportation of illegal immigrants by road for deportation to their countries of origin | |
DHA23-2018 | Appointment of a service provider to provide wellness services to the dha officials across all provinces including head office | |
DHA22-2018 | The appointment of a service provider to conduct geographic accessibility study for the department of home affairs for a period of twelve (12) months | |
DHA14-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of it infrastructure support and maintenance, server and lan support at ports of entry and offices nationally to the department of home affairs for a period of thirty six (36) months | 24 Aug 2018 |
DHA21-2018 | Appointment of a contractor for the supply, deliver, repair and installation of terminal seating for a period of thirty six (36) months. | 17 Aug 2018 |
DHA20-2018 | Appointment of a service provider(s) for provision of cleaning services for archive storage facilities (rosslyn, brits and heyvries) for a period of thirty six (36) months. | 17 Aug 2018 |
DHA19-2018 | Appointment of a service provider(s) for provision of cleaning services for bvr, hallmark, passport factory, centre walk, fsi and marabastad refugee reception centre for a period of thirty six (36) months. | 17 Aug 2018 |
DHA15-2018 | Appointment of a service proviider to provide dha with telephonic interpretation services and ad-hoc services | 20 Aug 2018 |
DHA16-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for the design, layout and publishing of the border management authority (bma) quarterly newsletter and design, development and maintenance of a website for the bma project management office | 20 Aug 2018 |
DHA18-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for the travel account and the lodging of the virtual cards with travel management company | 20 Aug 2018 |
DHA13-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for physical security guarding services in mpumalanga | 20 Aug 2018 |
DHA12-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for physical security guarding services in western cape, northern cape, free state and head office | 13 Jul 2018 |
DHA11-2018 | Appointment of a service provider(s) to design, supply deliver and installation of signage in dha offices in all nine (9) provinces | 13 Jul 2018 |
DHA09-2018 | Appointment of a transaction advisor to conduct feasibility study, procurement and contracting phases of a private public partnership (ppp) to support the smart card id/passport | 06 Jul 2018 |
DHA20-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for supply of resources to implement, maintenance and support integrated justice (ijs) strategic priorities | |
DHA09-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of stationery to the Department of Home Affairs Head Office for a period of twenty four (24) months. | |
DHA07-2018 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of telephonic interpretation services andad-hoc services | |
DHA06-2018 | Request for qualification for the redevelopment of six (6) ports of entry through a public private partnership ("rfq") | |
DHA05-2018 | Appointment of service provider for the infrastructure / refurbishment /consequential general building, electrical, mechanical, civil and engineering works in various DHA offices and Ports of Entry | 16 Mar 2018 |
DHA04-2018 | Appointment of service provider for the supply, installation and maintenance of backup generators, uninterrupted power supply (UPS) units, air – conditioners including consequential general building, electrical, mechanical, civil and engineering works in various DHA offices and Ports of Entry. | 16 Mar 2018 |
DHA03-2018 | Project manager fo redevelopment of six ports of entry | 23 Feb 2018 |
DHA01-2018 | Appointment of service provider to conduct Auctioneering services to the Department of Home Affairs | 09 Feb 2018 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA14-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of Business Travel Account and the Lodging of the Virtual Cards with the Travel Management Company | 17 Nov 2017 |
DHA17-2017 | Appointment of a transaction advisor to undertake a feasibility study for the establishment of a Refugee Processing Centre in Lebombo | 15 Dec 2017 |
DHA16-2017 | Appointment of service provider for provision of media monitoring services for reliable, credible and comprehensive media environment reports and analysis across a wide range of media channels and products | 01 Dec 2017 |
DHA13-2017 | Appointment of Travel Management Company to provide Travel Management services to Department of Home Affairs. | 17 Nov 2017 |
DHA11-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for physical security guarding services | 17 Nov 2017 |
DHA12-2017 | Appointment of a panel of service providers for the installation and maintenance of integrated electrical security systems and armed reaction for a period of sixty (60) months. | 20 Nov 2017 |
DHA020-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply, delivery and installation of signage for a period of thirty six (36) months. | 03 Nov 2017 |
DHA09-2017 | Appointment of a service provider to sully and deliver stationery to the Department of Home Affairs Head Office. | 03 Nov 2017 |
DHA08-2017 | Appointment of contractors for the supply, delivery, repair and installation of terminal seating for a period of 36 months. | 22 Sept 2017 |
DHA07-2017 | Appointment of a service provider to establish a panel of Internal Audit and Risk Management Services for a period of 36 months. | 22 Sept 2017 |
DHA06-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of travel management services | 04 Aug 2017 |
DHA05-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for cleaning services, supply and maintenance of SHE bins and deep cleaning of ablution facilities for a period of thirty six (36) months | 04 May 2017 |
DHA03-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for the provision of inoculation services to the entire Department of Home Affairs staff across all provinces for the period of three (3) years | 07 Apr 2017 |
DHA04-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for the infrastructure management, construction management and engineering services for the execution of Department of Home Affairs projects for a period of three (3) years | 13 Apr 2017 |
DHA02-2017 | Appointment of a service provider/s for provision of the following: physical security guarding services, day shift for a period of thirty five (35) months, night shift a period of three (30 months and installation of alarm system for a period of three months, monitoring and armed response for a period of thirty two (32) months and cash in transit services for a period of thirty five (35) months | 20 Mar 2017 |
DHA01-2017 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply of 120 mobile enrollment units/kits (mobile solution) valid for an estimated period of three (3) years inclusive of maintenance and support | 24 Feb 2017 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA18-2016 | Appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and support of a video conferencing system to fourteen (14) identified offices nationally | 20 Jan 2017 |
DHA17-2016 | Procurement of forty five (45) roters and switches for the implementation and roll-out of voice over internet protocol (voip) system | 20 Jan 2017 |
DHA16-2016 | Appointment of a service provider/s to supply and deliver stationery to the Department of Home Affairs (Head Office) for a period of 24 months | 09 Dec 2016 |
RFI01-2016 | Request to invite potential service providers to submit proposals for the Microsoft Licensing Solution (LSP) | 28 Nov 2016 |
DHA15-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to supply, deliver and maintenance of generators and mobile back office maintenance for a period of 24 months | 18 Nov 2016 |
DHA14-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of a Refugee Processing Centre | 28 Oct 2016 |
DHA13-2016 | Appointment of a service provider for the customation, installation, support and maintenance of Risk Management System to the Department of Home Affairs. | 28 Oct 2016 |
DHA12-2016 | Appointment of a service provider for the preparation and implementation of a border management agency (BMA) Change Management Strategy. | 15 Jul 2016 |
DHA11-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to supply, service and maintenance of generators and maintenance of mobile back office for a period of 24 months. | 08 Jul 2016 |
DHA020-2016 | Appointment of qualified individual language practitioners to conduct training for the basic, intermediate, advanced and specialized levels of foreign languages in the Department of Home Affairs at various strategic areas and locations in the Department. | 01 Jul 2016 |
DHA09-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to provide Employee wellness services to the DHA staff across all provinces for a period of 30 months. | 01 Jul 2016 |
DHA08-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to conduct and draft four chapters of a Business Case to support the repositioning of the Department of Home Affairs | 13 Apr 2016 |
DHA04-2016 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of consultation for vaccination services for the entire Department of Home Affairs across all provinces for a period of three (3) years. | 29 Apr 2016 |
DHA06-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and install Biometric Access Control Environmental System in Server Rooms at identified DHA offices for a period of three (3) years. | 15 Apr 2016 |
DHA03-2016 | Appointment of an independent foreign language practitioner to conduct training on basic, advanced, intermediate and specialized levels of training | 19 Feb 2016 |
DHA05-2016 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and install Environmental Monitoring System in Server Rooms at identified DHA offices for a period of three (3) years. | 08 Apr 2016 |
DHA01-2016 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of telephonic interpretation services for refugee reception offices, standing committee for refugee affairs and refugee appeal board for a period of two years with provision for a further period of one year. | 08 Apr 2016 |
RFP02-2016 | Provision of resources for the enhancement maintenance and support of Department of Home Affairs Systems (National Population Register and Movement Control System) | 01 April 2016 |
RFP01-2016 | Request for proposals including pricing to the Department of Home Affairs on Best Practices in pursuit of digitizing its records | 12 Feb 2016 |
DHA02-2016 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of a fair valuation of ring-fenced assets of the Department of Home Affairs | 12 Feb 2016 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA20-2015 | Appointment of a service provider for supply delivery and installation of counter furniture for dha offices for a period of three (3) years. | 23 Oct 2015 |
RFP02-2015 | Provision of Resources for the Enhancement maintenance and support of Department of Home Affairs System (national Population Register and Movement Control System) | 01 Dec 2015 |
DHA15-2015 | Appointment of a service provider for supply, delivery and installation of terminal seating for DHA offices | 27 Nov 2015 |
DHA24-2015 | Provision of risk management system to the dha | 13 Nov 2015 |
DHA23-2015 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and install ems and biometric access control systems in server rooms | 13 Nov 2015 |
DHA22-2015 | Provision of consultation for vaccination services | 13 Nov 2015 |
DHA19-2015 | Appointment of transaction advisor services to support the development of a ports of entry master plan and funding model | 30 Oct 2015 |
DHA13-2015 | Supply of blank java smart cards for the biometric access control management system for a period of three years | 18 Sept 2015 |
DHA17-2015 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of telephonic interpretation services for refugee reception offices, standing committee for refugee affairs and refugee appeal board for a period of two years with provision for a further period of one year. | 23 Oct 2015 |
DHA14-2015 | Conduct of junior, middle and senior management development programme | 13 Oct 2015 |
DHA16-2015 | Project management and engineering consulting services | 02 Oct 2015 |
DHA18-2015 | Procurement of furniture for the DHA in-house contact centre | 02 Oct 2015 |
DHA12-2015 | Procurement of Furniture for the in-house contact Centre of the Department of Home Affairs | 24 Jul 2015 |
DHA09-2015 | Provision of resources to implement an integrated justice system for a period of three years | 26 Jun 2015 |
DHA12-2015 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of in-house contact centre technology and systems | 22 Jun 2015 |
DHA20-2015 | Appointment of a service provider for provision of a detention facility and care of illegal immigrants awaiting deportation to their home countries by dha for a period of sixty (60) months | 15 Jun 2015 |
DHA08-2015 | Supply of infrastructure for DHA’s Biometric Access Control Management system | 21 May 2015 |
DHA07-2015 | Conduct of junior, middle and senior management development programme | 13 May 2015 |
DHA06-2015 | Provision of antivirus solution for 7000 end points including support and maintenance for a period of three years | 08 May 2015 |
DHA05-2015 | Appoint a service provider for support and maintanance of Data centre/server rooms for Live Capture & Smart ID Card in 140 offices & electronic movement control to 25 Ports of Entry as well as support to all 403 DHA offices | 04 May 2015 |
DHA04-2015 | Appoint a service provider to develop & implement an integrated support & maintenance service for dha biometric access control management system for a period of 3 years | 04 May 2015 |
DHA003-2015 | Review of DHA top three tiers’ functional organizational structure and post establishment | 20 Apr 2015 |
DHA002-2015 | Provision of basic, intermediate, advanced and specialised foreign languages training | 20 Apr 2015 |
RFP DHA01-2015 | Design, configuration and implementation of a call centre | 27 Mar 2015 |
DHA01-2015 | Procurement of IT equipment (computers, laptops and printers) | 02 Mar 2015 |
DHA01-2014 | Refurbishment of Northern Cape DHA offices | 06 Jul 2014 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA09-2014 | Seat Management | 12 Dec 2014 |
DHA08-2014 | Appointment of an Auctioneer | 29 Aug 2014 |
DHA07-2014 | Provision of physical security services at Provincial Offices of DHA | 29 Jul 2014 |
DHA06-2014 | Recruitment advertisements in print and other media | 15 Jul 2014 |
DHA05-2014 | Panel of Internal Audit Services | 15 Jul 2014 |
DHA04-2014 | Transportation of illegal immigrants by road | 15 Jul 2014 |
DHA03-2014 | Mobile telecommunication services | 15 Jul 2014 |
DHA02-2014 | Appointment of a service provider to supply, delivery and maintenance of UPS, Generators and air-conditioners for data centres in DHA offices in Kwazulu Natal, Limpopo and Western Cape | 12 Jun 2014 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA 22-2013 | Provision of cash-in transit services in identified national offices of the department of Home Affairs. | 15 Jan 2014 |
DHA 23-2013 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and install office furniture at cape town maritime port of entry office, cowrie place. | 13 Dec 2013 |
DHA21-2013 | Provision of physical security services at provincial offices of DHA. | 09 Dec 2013 |
DHA 19-2013 | Appointment of a service provider for transportation of illegal immigrants by road transport for a period of 3 years. | 06 Dec 2013 |
DHA 18-2013 | Appointment of a contractor fpr refurbishment of home affairs offices for a period of three years | 31 Oct 2013 |
DHA 17-2013 | Supply, delivery installation and maintanance of generators, ups and air-conditioners for data centres of home affairs offices. | 31 Oct 2013 |
DHA 16-2013 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and erect mobile park homes for office and residential use at various ports of entry | 31 Oct 2013 |
DHA 15-2013 | Acquire a service provider for the supply and installation of storage area network for four data centres in the department of home affairs | 11 Oct 2013 |
DHA13-2013 | Establishment of a pool of internal audit service providers for the department of home affairs | 13 Jun 2013 |
DHA12-2013 | Appointment of a service provider for supply of fingerprint/smartcard scanners (biometric combo) to dha for period of 3 years | 07 Jun 2013 |
DHA11-2013 | Appointment of a service provider to supply, delivery and installation of signage (internal, external and road) to dha for period of 3 years. | 07 Jun 2013 |
DHA20-2013 | Appointment of a contruction project manager for the ports of entry projects | 27 May 2013 |
DHA09-2013 | Appointment of consultants to render programme management services for the dha modernisation for period of 24 months | 06 Jun 2013 |
DHA-GP22 | Description: refubishment of harrison street (gauteng). | 07 May 2013 |
DHA06-2013 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and distribute newspapers to the department of home affiars head office. | 18 Apr 2013 |
DHA05-2013 | Appointment of a service provider for design and implemetation of online case management system thedepartment of home affiars. | 18 Apr 2013 |
DHA04-2013 | Appointment of a service provider to provide visa facilitation services to manage visa and permit applications at various centres within the republic of SA | 26 Mar 2013 |
DHA03-2013 | Appointment of a service provider to provide employee wellness services to department of home affairs. | 08 Mar 2013 |
DHA02-2013 | Provision of travel management services within the department of home affiars for aperiod of 3 years. | 18 Feb 2013 |
DHA01-2013 | Provision of physical security services at identified offices of dha in provinces. | 18 Feb 2013 |
The following are bids received from various service providers.
(Click on the tender number to view the list of service providers for that tender)
DHA 21-2012 | Appointment of a service provider to supply and distribute newspapers at the department of home affairs head office | 16 Jan 2013 |
DHA 20-2012 | Supply and installation of voice over ip (voip) system for the department of home affairs | 16 Jan 2013 |
DHA 19-2012 | Appointment of a service provider to conduct customer satisfactory survey for the department of home affairs | 16 Jan 2013 |
DHA 18-2012 | Appointment of a service provider for the sms and automated voice and text message system for id duplicates for thedepartment of home affairs | 16 Jan 2013 |
DHA 17-2012 | Procurement of office furniture for pretoria regional office | 26 Nov 2012 |
DHA 16-2012 | Provision of interpretation services at refugee reception offices and ports of entry for period of three years | 26 Nov 2012 |
DHA 15-2012 | Appointment of a service provider to provide internal audit service to the department of hime affairs focusing on training and development in the execution of risk-based audits | 08 Nov 2012 |
DHA 14-2012 | Appointment of a construction project manager for the look and feel project for of three years. | 02 Oct 2012 |
DHA 13-2012 | Provision, configuration and installation of archiving solution with worm technology to replace defunct jukeboxes | 17 Aug 2012 |
DHA 12-2012 | Appointment of service provider for the automated voice and text (sms) message ;system for duplicate id for the department of home affairs | 17 Aug 2012 |
DHA 11-2012 | Provision of data centre support & maintenance services, repairs & replacement of obsolete hardware for the department of home affairs | 13 Jul 2012 |
DHA 20-2012 | Supply, delivery & installation of signage (nternal, external & road) to home affairs offices for period of three years | 23 Jul 2012 |
DHA 09-2012 | Supply, delivery and installation of terminal seating to home affairs offices for a period of three | 23 Jul 2012 |
DHA 08-2012 | Supply, delivery and installation of counter furniture to home affairs offices for a period of three years | 08 Aug 2012 |
DHA 07-2012 | Provision of interpretation and translation services for aperiod of three years | 25 Jun 2012 |
DHA 04-2012 | Provision & instalation of intergrated security equipment including three year maintenance & support at new corporation building (bvr) | 09 Mar 2012 |