The Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi is scheduled to undertake a service delivery monitoring visit and stakeholder engagement in Port St Johns, Eastern Cape Province, on Monday 04 September 2023. The purpose of the visit is to ascertain that citizens visiting service sites receive quality services when applying for and collecting their enabling documents which include smart ID cards and passports as well as birth, marriage and death certificates.

The Department is expanding the number of mobile offices to ensure that it is able to take services to people where they live.

As part of the visit, the Minister will also interact with community leaders and stakeholders to listen to stakeholders on challenges experienced in accessing Home Affairs services and give update on plans to deal with some of the already known challenges.


Members of the media are invited to participate as follows:


Community meeting and Handover of smart ID cards

Date: Monday, 04 September 2023

Venue: Gomolo Community Hall, Port St Johns

Time: 11h00

Thereafter the Minister will do a Walk-about at the Services on Wheels Site at Buthulo Sports Ground, in Port St Johns, where Home Affairs Mobile Units will be deployed to serve communities.

For media confirmations, please contact Thabo Mokgola on 060 962 4982.


Media Enquiries:

Siya Qoza, ‪082 898 1657 (Spokesperson for the Minister of Home Affairs)

David Hlabane, ‪071 342 4284 (Media Manager: Department of Home Affairs)