The Minister of Home Affairs Dr Aaron Motsoaledi is scheduled to lead a Ministerial Consultative Dialogue on the Draft Marriage Bill, at Constitutional Hill, Johannesburg, on Thursday, 24 August 2023. The theme of the Ministerial Consultative Dialogue is “Realisation of equality, human dignity and non-discrimination values in the marriage law and practice”.

The panel discussion will include representatives of Traditional Leaders, religious leaders, Commission for Gender Equality, South African Human Rights Commission, Women’s Legal Centre Trust, Access Chapter 2, Save the Children and Freedom of Religion SA.

The purpose of the Consultative Dialogue is to solicit input from key stakeholders on the Draft Marriage Bill, 2022 which Cabinet approved for public comment in June this year. The Bill gives effect to the White Paper on Marriages in South Africa which Cabinet approved in March 2022.


Members of the media are invited to participate as follows:

Date: Thursday, 24 August 2023

Time: 09H00-15H00

Venue: Constitutional Hill, Women’s Jail Conference 2


For media confirmations, please contact Thabo Mokgola on 060 962 4982.


Media Enquiries:

Siya Qoza, ‪082 898 1657 (Spokesperson for the Minister of Home Affairs)

David Hlabane, ‪071 342 4284 (Media Manager: Department of Home Affairs)                                         



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