The Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Mr Njabulo Nzuza is scheduled to visit Home Affairs Germiston, one of the 186 offices that will open on Youth Day, Friday, 16 June and on Saturday, 17 June 2023 to encourage South Africans to apply for or collect their IDs.

These186 are offices capable of processing applications for Smart ID Cards. They will operate from 08:00 until 13:00 on both days.

As of Monday, 12 June 2023, over 471 000 IDs were uncollected at Home Affairs offices nationwide.

This opening of offices is in addition to the work that is being done by young employees in the Department who have been coming to work on Saturday’s this month to assist learners to apply for their IDs in honour of the sacrifices of the youth of 1976.

“I am heartened to see young employees leading by example by affording South Africans an opportunity to apply or collect enabling documents that ensure that citizens enjoy the full benefits of being citizens. Applying for enabling documents is as important as collecting them. I encourage people who applied for their enabling documents two weeks ago or earlier to come and collect their documents,” said Home Affairs Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi.

He said the Department is continuously looking at ways of delivering services in a manner that is convenient for citizens.

The following offices will not open as they will be undergoing routine IT maintenance:

  1. Cala
  2. Elliotdale
  3. Engcobo
  4. Idutywa
  5. Libode
  6. Mqanduli
  7. Mount Aylif
  8. Ngqeleni
  9. Qumbu
  10. Tsolo
  11. Willowdale
  12. Burgersdorp
  13. Sterkspruit


The Department will communicate its plans to open on a weekend to cater for communities affected by the offices that are unable to open this weekend.

The list of offices that will be open this weekend is available on this link: >>> LIVE CAPTURE OFFICES <<<


Deputy Minister Nzuza’s visit to Germiston

Members of the media are invited as follows:

Time: 09:00

Date: 17 June 2023

Venue: President St & FH Odendaal Street, Germiston, 1401


Media Enquiries:

Siya Qoza, ‪082 898 1657

Thabo Mokgola, 060 962 4982

David Hlabane, ‪071 342 4284