21 September 2020
The Minister of Home Affairs, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, and Trans Activist Coalition today held a first and fruitful meeting in Pretoria in which the parties discussed various matters of mutual interest.
The Trans Activist Coalition included representatives of Iranti, Gender DynamiX, Be True 2 Me, Triangle Project, Same Love Toti, Access Chapter 2, Transgender and Intersex Africa, Matimba, Women’s Legal Centre, the Legal Resources Centre and Transhope.
The meeting is part of the Minister’s commitment to engage constructively with all stakeholders in order to improve service delivery and development of policies.
The issues discussed by the parties are:
- Systematic delays in dealing with amendments of particulars of trans persons;
- Effective communication between the two parties;
- Official Identity Management and Marriage Policies;
- International trends in dealing with trans persons;
- Amendments to the Alteration of Sex Description and Sex Status Act 49 of 2003.
The parties committed to working together to address the systematic delays and training of Department of Home Affairs staff in order to meet the ever-changing environment of trans persons.
The Trans Activist Coalition committed to making contribution to the Official Identity Management, Marriage Policies and Standard Operating Procedures once they are published for public comments.
The parties committed themselves to draw valuable lessons from new international trends in matters relating to trans persons.
The parties agreed to further engagements, as dictated to by the circumstances, to deal with matters of mutual interest.
Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, MP
Minister of Home Affairs
Kellyn Botha
On behalf of the Trans Activist Coalition
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Siya Qoza, 082 898 1657 (spokesperson for the Minister of Home Affairs)
David Hlabane, 071 342 4284 (media manager for the Department of Home Affairs)