The public consultation process will include the following activities:
- The Green Paper on International Migration has been gazetted for the public to submit comments from the 1st of July 2016 to the 30th of September 2016.
- During this period, the Minister will also launch the Green Paper for public comments whereby he will unpack the rationale behind a new policy and provide further details on the consultation process.
- An electronic copy of the Green Paper is accessible from this link >>> DOWLOAD THE GREEN PAPER HERE <<<
- Written submissions should be forwarded to Mr. Sihle Mthiyane on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. For further clarity on the content of the Green Paper or any other related issue Mr. Mthiyane can be reached on +27 (12) 406 4353 during office hours (8:00 - 16:30).
The Department will be hosting various stakeholder engagements at national, provincial and local level. A communication team has been set-up to keep the public updated on key events. For update on the upcoming events, the public is invited to keep in touch with the Department through the website: or the Department’s social media platforms: facebook (Department of Home Affairs) and twitter account (@HomeAffairsSA). #IntMigrationPolicy2016
DOWNLOAD THE GREEN PAPER DOWNLOAD THE GUIDELINES This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.